

Xie Xuanjun,Male, was born in Beijing in 1954.

Xie Xuanjun

Male, was born in Beijing in 1954.

Since 1967, through 11 years of self-study, he was selected as a graduate student in 1978, and graduated from the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 1981 with a master's degree in literature.

In 1987, he was elected as an associate researcher at the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. In 1988, he was transferred to the Associate Professor of the China Youth Politics College.

In 1986, published "Myths and National Spirits - Comparison of Several Cultural Circles" (Shandong Literature and Art Publishing House). In 1987, the publication of "The Temple of Emptyness - The Source of Chinese Culture" was positively evaluated, and was therefore invited by CCTV to participate in the production of the TV film "He Wei" and specifically wrote "Hehe's commentary." first draft". After 1989, the list of banned publications can only be published under the pseudonym.

In 1991, he was invited to attend the thirteenth annual meeting of international comparative literature in Tokyo; then he served as a visiting researcher at Tokai University in Japan.

In 1994, he moved to the State University of New York to serve as a visiting professor.

Since then, as a freelance writer, he has devoted himself to more than 100 copies of the Complete Works of Xie Xuanjun.

The following is a description and content brief of the complete collection of Xie Xuanjun ----









Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun


Song of Foresight




These 360 and more poems were penned from 1967 to 1980 by Xie Xuanjun(謝選駿,谢选骏), a thinker of the 21st century who made his debut in the academic world in the 1980's . These early poetic works by him predated his scholarly writing and his elucidating of philosophical thoughts, but were the embryonic forms of the latter and, as works of the soul before being assimilated by the social environment, could indeed be regarded as songs by a person of foresight.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume I

On Global Government──Global Integration Under the Central Kingdom Civilization

2004 年第一版(在线版)总目录》
[目录] Table of Contents



the Titanic sank

第一部 全球一体
Part I Global Integration

第一章 历史的鸟瞰 
Chapter One Historical Overview

第二章 文明的形态
 Chapter Two The Forms of Civilization
(Oceanic Civilization and Inland Civilization)

第三章 时代的沉沦
Chapter Three The Fall of Age

第四章 精神的坠落
Chapter Four Fall of the Spirit

第五章  戏剧性转折
Chapter Five The Dramatic Turn

第六章 总结二十世纪
Chapter Six Review of the 20th Century

第七章 欧洲的退潮
Chapter Seven Decline of Europe

第八章 审问浮士德
Chapter Eight Trial of Faust

第九章  质疑人本主义
Chapter Nine Questioning Humanism

第十章 超人的破相
Chapter Ten Bankruptcy of the Superman

第十一章 个人主义
Chapter Eleven Individualism

第十二章 社会主义
Chapter Twelve  Socialism

第十三章 战国的沉思 
Chapter Thirteen Warring States Contemplation

第十四章 欧洲殖民体系的终结
Chapter Fourteen End of European Colonialism

第十五章 种族特质
Chapter Fifteen Racial Characteristics

第十六章 性别问题 
Chapter Sixteen The Issue of Gender

第三部 礼制文明 
Part III Etiquette Civilization

第十七章 全球危机
Chapter Seventeen Global Crisis

第十八章 教族:种姓制度还是礼制?
Chapter Eighteen Religious groupingCaste vs. Etiquette

第十九章 蒙古人与罗马人 
Chapter Nineteen The Romans and Mongols

第二十章 宗教的声音
Chapter Twenty The Voice of Religion

第二十一章 宗教的战略
Chapter Twenty-one The Religious Strategy

第二十二章 哲学王者
Chapter Twenty-two The Philosopher King

第二十三章 胜利者
Chapter Twenty-three The Victor

第二十四章 天子 
Chapter Twenty-four Son of Heaven

第二十五章 大改组 
Chapter Twenty-five Great Reconfiguration

第二十六章 礼的精神
Chapter Twenty-six Spirit of Etiquette

第二十七章 礼的形式
Chapter Twenty-seven The Form of Etiquette

第二十八章 新文化战 
Chapter Twenty-eight The New Cultural War

第二十九章 文化战的战略 
Chapter Twenty-nine Strategy of Cultural War

第三十章 王道与霸道
Chapter Thirty the Kingly Way vs. Hegemony

第三十一章 间接统治
Chapter Thirty-one Indirect Rule

第三十二章 中庸之道
Chapter Thirty-two The Golden Mean

第三十三章 全球政府的临近
Chapter Thirty-three The looming global government

第三十四章 全球中枢
Chapter Thirty-four Global Center

第三十五章 天下与国家
Chapter Thirty-five Universality and the State

第三十六章 地外文明
Chapter Thirty-six Extraterrestrial civilization

第三十七章 全球秩序的教化基础
Chapter Thirty-seven Instructional base for global order

第三十八章 史官文明与历史教
Chapter Thirty-eight Historiographic Civilization and Historicism

第三十九章 历史教的医治功能 
Chapter Thirty-nine Healing Power of Historicism

第四十章 历史教的命运 
Chapter Forty Fate of Historicism

第四十一章 孔孟荀的见证
Chapter Forty-one Testimony of Confucius,Mencius and Xun Zi

第四十二章 尚书经典整合全球
Chapter Forty-two Global Integration by “Documents of the Elder(Shangshu)”

第四十三章 礼教的纪年
Chapter Forty-three The Chronology of Etiquette

第四十四章 中国文明的普世功能  
Chapter Forty-four The Universality of Chinese Civilization

第五部 尘蒙之光
Part V Covered Light

第四十五章 王国时代诸子
Chapter Forty-five Various schools of scholars in times of kingdoms

第四十六章 帝国时代诸子
Chapter Forty-six Scholars of Imperial Times

第四十七章 圣人教化刺破了黑暗时代
Chapter Forty-seven Instruction of Sages piercing through the dark ages

第四十八章 《周易》的历史哲学  
Chapter Forty-eight The Philosophy of history of “Changes of the

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume II


New Kingdom
The Third Phase of Chinese Civilization in Which I Exist



A Synopsis of the book

The Age of Constitutionalism/New Kingdom——Could the System of Constitutional Monarchy Be Practiced in China
Politically speaking, the first phase of Chinese civilization is represented by the ancient kingdom or feudalism; the second phase of Chinese civilization by the Middle Kingdom or imperialism; and the third phase of Chinese civilization by the New Kingdom or constitutionalism.
New Kingdom/The Age of Constitutionalism——Could the System of Constitutional Monarchy Be Practiced in China

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume III

Ideologies in the Third Phase of Chinese Civilization

第一卷Volume I
Green to the East-- A Book of Spring
Valley of Life-- A Record of All Round Quests

第二卷Volume II
Red to the South-- A Book of Summer
Sweet Spring on Desert-- A Dissertation on Cultural Proprioception

第三卷Volume III
White to the West-- A Book of Autumn
The  Historic Dome-- A Dialogue Between a Soul of Qin and a Ghost of Chu

第四卷Volume IV
Black to the North -- A Book of  Winter
Philosophy of the Null Point-- On the Circular Image of the World

第五卷Volume V
Yellow at the Center-- Taiji of the Mind
The Boundary Between Man and Heaven-- On the Unreasonable Sense of Mistique

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume IV


Mythologies and National Ethos──A Comparative Study of the Ten Cultural Zones



A Synopsis of the book

Mythologies and National Ethos──A Comparative Study of the Ten Cultural Zones is a revision and a supplement to its forerunner: Mythology and National Ethos──A Comparative Study of Several Cultural Zones, with the length almost doubled. The book crystalizes the author's continual deliberations over a period of almost 20 years since 1986. The content of the book covers mythologies and national ethos of the Egyptians, the Mesopotamians, the Indians, the Greeks and the Romans, the Jewish, the Persian, the Northern Europeans, the Mayans, the Japanese and the Naxis, and is a comparative study, in penetrating and simple terms, of the above-mentioned mythologies and national ethos and those reflected in the Chinese classics. There are over 600,000 Chinese characters to the book.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume V


A Perspective 100 Years after the Xinhai Revolution or, The Morning Twilight of the Unification of the so-called Northern and Southern Dynasties──
A Transition from the two Chinas Created by Warlords to a Unified China to emerge in a Civilized Manner



A Synopsis of the book

The morning twilight as is reflected in Xie, Xuan Juns  book is an illustration of the idea of the so-called Northern and Southern Dynasties, i.e., the two Chinas created first  by the warlords and then usurped by the Party-lords──the Republic of China  and the People's Republic of China──being unified by a third China to emerge in a civilized manner. This is going to happen exactly like the Northern and Southern Dynasties being unified by the Tang Dynasty about a thousand and four hundred years ago, ushering in the second phase of Chinese civilization. Born out of this unification is going to be a Real Man who is to unify China, not splitting China unlike his predecessors Sun Yat-sen and Mao Zedong.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume VI


Ideologies in the First Phase of Chinese Civilization
Understanding Originality of the Thinking of the Chinese by Association and Corroboration



A Synopsis of the book

This book of Xie Xuanjun's──Understanding Originality of the Thinking of the Chinese by Association and Corroboration──exemplifies how a modern Chinese scholar tries to come to grips with the originality of ancient Chinese thinking by reading and deciphering Chinese mythology and the following ten works:【Classics of PoetryHong FanYue JiZhou LiLao ZiSun ZiZhuang ZiXun Zi】,and Han Fei Zi. The book was written between 1977 and 1989,  was banned after the June 4th pro-democracy movement in 1989, first printed in 1994 under the pseudonym of Xuan Jun(玄峻),and is now  published in a free society after being revised.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume VII


A Collection of Essays on China: 1988-1989



A Synopsis of the book

The following 50-some articles by Xie, Xuanjun were written roughly between July of 1988 and April of 1989, and were carried by various magazines and periodicals, and exercised quite an impact on society. That half a year happened to be an important key period of social transition in mainland China. Six of the articles here were speeches delivered at various institutions of higher learning, and were able to escape censorship although containing some bold historical predictions.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume VIII


A Collection of Classics about Tian Zithe Son of Heavenwith Annotations


A Synopsis of  the book

What follows is works written by Mr. Xie Xuanjun between 1979 and 1991,  bearing the title A Memorial to Throne about Tian Zithe Son of Heavenor Conqueror of the World, published in 1994 by Hong Kong Publishing House of Contemporary Literature and Art and circulated by the Litong Books Company, Ltd. In 2002 , for deeper understanding by readers, Mr Xie made some readjustments by dividing the book into a part of the text and a part of annotations, giving the title A Collection of Classics about Tian Zithe Son of Heavenwith Annotations, and published its electronic version. Now the book is to be reprinted after some revisions.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume IX


Sovereignty of Thoughts——A Concept that Terminates Western Thinking Since Descartes



A Synopsis of  the Book

The Sovereignty of Thoughts is Mr. Xie Xuanjun's book written between 2012 and 2013. The view points at the core of the book are: just to recognize the freedom of thinking is not enough. One has to recognize the validity of the sovereignty of thinking. Thinking has its sovereignty, which gives rise to cultures of various forms, and is responsible for the births of science, art, ethics and religion. The sovereignty of thinking is also responsible for the creation of man himself, which not only confirms the idea of the creation of man by God but also the idea of the evolution of man. The existence of the sovereignty of thinking facilitates communications between man and the universe, enabling man to come to terms with the universe, and enabling the universe to help create man. Mr. Xie Xuanjun attempts to replace Descartes' assertion that "I exist because I think" with his own assertion that "I exist because of your response", for you and I both live with the sovereignty of thinking. The proposition of the  concept of "sovereignty of thoughts" is a termination of Western thoughts since Descartes.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume X


The Historical Philosophy of "Changes of the Zhou(Zhouyi)"



A Synopsis of  the Book

Most of the chapters of the book The Historical Philosophy of "Changes of the Zhou(Zhouyi)" by Mr.Xie Xuanjun were first intended as "a proof of equivalent educational level" to be submitted to the China Academy of Social Sciences(CASS) when applying for one of its Master's Programs in March,1978. Revisions were made and were finally completed in 2008. The book also includes chapters from two other books by Mr Xie: most of the chapters of Association and Corroboration and some of the chapters of The Revival of Golden Ageon the Rule of the World by Rites. Mr.Xie examines and expounds in the book the texts of "Changes of the Zhou(Zhouyi)" , and all elucidations on them, from a historical-philosophical angle, bringing to light the historical-philosophical dimensions of the notes on Gua, such as never been done before. The book also anthologizes 12 pieces of writings penned during the period; seven of them, labled as my debut, were written before enrolment into the Master's program by CASSand the rest were written after that and are labled as cessation.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XI


Dreaming of ChinaThe two-volume



A Synopsis of  the Book

Dreaming of ChinaThe two-volume)】is a work of Mr Xie Xunjun's written between 1975 and 1981. The work unfolds the future of China in the form of two dreams. The scripts of the work were handed over to the United Press International on October 18, 1981, which later delivered reports on it.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XII


Imprisoned Thoughts
(Part One of Imprisoned Era)


〖被囚禁的思想〗(《被囚禁的时代》第一部) 一书,是1988年应“上海人民出版社”邀约而从1980年以前的私人笔记中整理出来,1989年春修改完毕,准备1989年当年出版。但是“六四屠杀事件”以后,上海人民出版社根据上级指示,把作者已经列入黑名单,不得出版新的著作了。由于该出版社毁约单方面取消出版协议,拒不出版本书,只得暂时搁浅出版事宜。到了1993年,有好事者将此稿送到深圳“海天出版社”,改名《生命──放歌?悲歌?》,用笔名“玄峻”(谐音“选骏”)出版。这次时隔二十六年,出版时增补了一些有关“思想”主题的论述,以凸显“被囚禁的思想”。

A Synopsis of the book

Imprisoned Thoughts(Part One of Imprisoned Era) is a book by Mr Xie, the contents of which were sorted out of Mr Xie's personal notes before 1980, at the suggestion by the Shanghai People's Publishing House. The revision of the book was completed in the spring of 1989 for the purpose of getting published. The publication was scheduled for the same year.  Mr Xie was black-listed, however, by the authorities after the June 4 incident, and the Publishing House was forbidden to publish new books by Mr. Xie. The Publishing House actually tore up the agreement on publication unilaterally, and the publication of the book was shelved. In 1993, some interested people handed over the manuscripts of the book to the Haitian Publishing House, changing the title of the book into Life-- Singing with a  Resounding Voice as Well as With a Lament, adopting the pen-name of Xuan Jun for me-- homophonic with Mr. Xie's first name. The book took 26 years to be published, at long last. The Haitian Publishing House had added some comments on the theme of the book, sharpening the idea of "imprisoned thoughts".

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XIII


Imprisoned China
──Thoughts on China In the 80's
Part Two of Imprisoned Era



A Synopsis of the book

What you see here is a collection of writings by Mr. Xie Xuanjun between 1975 and 1991, the main contents of which were Mr. Xie's thoughts in the 80's about the destiny of China. They can be considered the original notes upon which the book The New Kingdom was based. The writings here are concentrated on the social-political aspects of China, as its title Imprisoned China(1991) indicates. Imprisoned China is Part Two of the series Imprisoned Era , of which Imprisoned Thoughts(1989) is Part One. The focus of Imprisoned Thoughts is rather individually-philosophically oriented.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XIV


Tianzithe Son of Heaven)—— the Spiritual Modality of the Chinese



A Synopsis of the book

The book Tianzithe Son of Heaven)—— the Spiritual Modality of the Chinese is a collection of works written by Mr. Xie Xuanjun between 1979 and 1991, and is a revised version of the book A Memorial to the Throne about Tianzithe Son of Heavenor Conqueror of the World, published in 1994 by Hong Kong Publishing House of Contemporary Literature and Art and circulated by the Litong Books Company, Ltd. The purpose of the book was to help the reader to understand better the notion of Tianzi (the Son of Heaven) and wasafter its completion, published in 2002 in an electronic version together with A Collection of Classics about Tianzithe Son of Heavenwith Annotations. And now, in 2015, what you see is a reprint.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XV


The Idea of A Third China



A Synopsis of the book

The Idea of A Third China is a collection of Mr Xie Xuanjun's notes on the state system of China , sorted out in a step-by-step fashion before 2010 for the 100th anniversary of the 1911 Xinhai Revolution, and published in instalments on the internet and had quite an impact at the time. The appendix to the book consists of articles published in the aftermath of the commemorations of the 100th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XVI


From Tiananmen to the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum



A Synopsis of the book

From Tiananmen to the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum is Mr. Xie Xuanjun's works written during two different time periods. The first volume was written in 1995 and the second one in 2010, spanning a considerable length of time but in direct line of succession, for both Tiananmen and the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum are symbols of adversities of modern China, and bespeak the inevitable historical dilemmas of the nation. The book, which is on the fate and future of China, is now being presented to the reader.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XVII


TianziThe Son of Heaven)——Light of the Universe



A Synopsis of the book

The bookTianzithe Son of Heaven)——Light of the Universe is a collection of works written by Mr. Xie Xuanjun between 1979 and 1991, and is a revised version of the book A Memorial to the Throne about Tianzithe Son of Heavenor Conqueror of the World , published in 1994 by Hong Kong Publishing House of Contemporary Literature and Art and circulated by the Litong Books Company, Ltd. The purpose of the book was to help the reader to understand better the notion of Tianzi (the Son of Heaven) and wasafter its completion, published in 2002 in an electronic version together with A Collection of Classics about Tianzithe Son of Heavenwith Annotations. And now, in 2015, what you see is a reprint.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XVIII

From Era of Small States to Era of Nations Making Up the World
Questions and Answers Between the Subject of Qin and Soul of Chu



A Synopsis of the book

The bookQuestions and Answers Between the Subject of Qin and Soul of Chu (From Era of Small States to Era of Nations Making Up the World), written by Mr Xie Xuanjun in 2007, is a continuation of A Dialogue Between the Subject of Qin and the Soul of Chu-- Questioning the Treatise Looking Forward to the 21st Century, published in 1987, and its framework follows that of The World History and the International Strategy, a contemplated but uncompleted part of a series of oral instructions in 1987 intended for a book--The Subject of Qin and the Soul of Chu.

A Multi-Faceted China
--An Elaboration of Theory Behind a Modern Version of  the Northern and the Southern Dynasties



A Synopsis of the book

First-time visitors to China would be surprised to see the multi-faceted nature of the country: the stark contrasts between the rural China and the urban China, and between the well-educated and the benighted......China is a place where the nation reveals itself in multi-types of facial make-ups, so to speak, which can be seen in people's interactions and communications with one another -- people could meet with different treatments depending on their social status. This reminds us of the type of performance called "Face-changing", an art form originated in the Sichuan Province. In the performance, an actor reveals himself with numerous "faces" with different colors and motifs, just by turning around so as to block the view of the audience for a split second with his sleeve, a feat invariably marveled at by spectators.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XX


A Theory of Ten-Thousand Gods ( or A Theology of the Agnostic)--A Comparatve Study of Mythology and Theology (An Extension of Mythology and National Ethos--A Comparison Among Ten Cultural Circles )



A Synopsis of the book

This book of Xie Xuanjun's attempts to, through cardings of various mythologies and religions in this world, illustrate this point: unlike other mythologies corroborated by a theology, what is inherent in the Bible is actually a mythology of the agnostic. God in the Bible does not have a name, and does not really have a definite, graspable connotation. There are no series of stories about the Biblical God as about gods of other mythologies. The Bible is about the relationship between God and the humans. Mythology of the agnostic rejects the idea of humans' ability to know secrets about God, and what it can offer is, at the most,  "some revelations about the relationship between God and the humans".

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XXI


A Research On Japan's Origin with China ,  and On the Origins of Ryukyu Islands, Korea and VietnamToo  (以上用斜体)



A Synopsis of the book

Riben (Japan)”, “Tian Huang (Mikado)”, “Wu Shi (Palace Guards)”--these concepts and terms and their definitions as well as connotations--all originate in China without exception . And this is roughly true of the cases of Ryukyu Islands, Korea and Vietnam.  A brief review of the history of rise and fall of the Tian Huang system would reveal a close Chinese influence.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XXII

Constitutional Monarchy and the Descendant of Confucianism



A Synopsis of the book

In China, Cinfucius has been the great master of learningand Confucianism the orthodoxy of thinking.  Both are not only worshiped, but constitute China's sole aristocracy that have never been replaced in the course of heredity for two thousand and five hundred years. The thesis of the book is: the possibility of constitutional monarchy in China.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XXIII

A Comprehensive Book of Wisdom From the Era of Kingdoms



A Synopsis of the book

By reading Zuo's Version of the Spring and Autumn Annals】, Xie Xuanjun the author detects the difference between the ethos of the Pre-Qin Kingdoms era and that of the Post-Qin Imperial era. The author elucidates the former and points out the drawbacks of the latter. The author believes that the spirit of the Pre-Qin Kingdoms era represents the integrity of the feudal knights and is close to the social ethos of the pre-modern Europe and even Japan. The spirit of the Pre-Qin Kingdoms era is, therefore, conducive to the modernization of China.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XXIV


A 20th-Century Hoax ( the Case for Study: Adolph Hitler)



A Synopsis of the book

Is Adolph Hitler a Jew or not? Xie Xuanjun the author has discovered that the Jewish descendants have pursued-- in a big way-- a policy of wiping out the Jews is not an isolated phenomenon, but a case of a widespread 20th-century hoax, namely, the revolutionary campaign of wiping out the exploiting class. Most of the leaders of this campaign were themselves descendants of the exploiting class, and their purpose in launching the revolutionary campaign was not to liberate the proletariat, but rather to become monopolizers of exploitations.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XXV


Relief Organizations and Religions in China -- Some Thoughts and Notes



A Synopsis of the book

This is the author Xie Xuanjun's  examination of the issues related to religions in Chinabased on his opinion of religion originating in distress-relief, and of organized-religion originating in relief organization.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XXVI


Literati(shi), Businessmen(shang), Urban Workers(gong) and Farmers(nong)-- Civilized Society Consisting in Social Estate System



A Synopsis of the book

This is the author Xie Xuanjun's examination of the life-styles of the literati(shi), businessmen(shang), urban workers(gong) and farmers(nong)and those of fishing, firewood-gathering, farming and learning,  and their respective functions in Chinese civilization and Chinese society, based on his opinion that civilized society consisting in social estate system.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XXVII


My Way of Looking at the Second Phase of Chinese Civilization
-- An Encyclopaedic Analysis in Which Issues are Examined From Fifty Different Angles


A Synopsis of the book

What follows are the fifty angles from which issues concerning the second phase of Chinese civilization are examined by the author Xie Xuanjun:
mythology, religion, philosophy, politics, system of imperial examination, science and technology, agriculture, architecture, palace chambers, daily life, gardens, costumes, Taoism, Nestorianism, idealist Confucian philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, reference books, poetical meter, music, painting, sculpture, Buddhist poetry, metaphysical poetry, pastoral poetry, scenic poetry, rhythmical prose characterized by parallelism, phonology, literature in the vernacular, modern Chinese, disyllabic words, wood-block printing, experiences in a fallen country, Japanese aggression, the Mongolian conquest, etc.
The book examines differences and similarities among the second, the first and the third phases of Chinese civilizations, and offers a encylopaedic view from fifty different angles.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun


A Comprehensive Advanced Version of Analects of Confucius(以上三字下面打横线) Revamped  by Xie Xuanjun -- A Dialogue Over Analects of Confucius(以上三字下面打横线)】



A Synopsis of the book

Analects of Confucius compiled by the desciples of Confucius has been the most influencial book over the last  two thousand years and more. But  the book also constitues great restrictions over China's society, culture and institution designs. It would be impossible for the third phase of Chinese civilization to normally develop and grow if people do not break through the restrictions imposed by Analects of Confucius. The author Xie Xuanjun tries to adapt Analects of Confucius to the needs of the modern man by revamping and updating it. It is, in a way, a subversion unseen in history.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XXIX


A Comprehensive Advanced Version of Lao Zis (Otherwise Translated as Lao Tzu's)
Dao De Jing (Otherwise Translated as Tao Te Ching) Revamped  by Xie Xuanjun -- A Dialogue Over Dao De Jing (以上全打横线)】



A Synopsis of the book

Lao Zis Dao De Jing is one of the most important Chinese classics that has been internationally influential. It consists of philosophy and intrigues, and is an originator of military strategies, too. Xie Xuanjun has discovered, however, that Dao De Jingis a book of paradoxes, for an argument make sense when the opposite is said. The  book by Xie Xuanjun is a restructured , revamped and advanced version of Lao Zi's Dao De Jing, and is, therefore, more suitable to the needs of modern people. It is, in a way, a subversion unseen in history.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XXX


Anti-Judaism in the Old Testament-- Notes on Classics-Reading at the End of 20th Century

Christian article Volume I



A Synopsis of the book

An all-round reading of the Old Testament would make it clear that anti-Judaism does not begin with the New Testament, but rather prevalent throughout the Old Testament. The present book by Mr Xie Xuanjun has taken 310 paragraphs from the Old Testament-- all going to show that anti-Judaism is really one of the theses of the Old Testament. Anti-Judaism in evident in some of the paragraphs, while less so in others, but what could be inferred from the context is that God is strict to the followers and is far from lenient in meting out punishments. What is sad is that the forefathers of Jews, as followers of God, have often failed to live up to the authority of God.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XXXI


the New Testament is of the Light of Foreign Nations
——Notes on Classics-Reading at the End of 20th Century

Christian article Volume II



A Synopsis of the book

An all-round reading of the New Testament would make it clear that the theme of the Light of Foreign Nations in the Old Testament is highlighted in the New Testament.  The present book by Mr Xie Xuanjun  has taken 109 paragraphs from the New Testament-- all going to show that the Light of Foreign Nations is indeed one of the theses of the New Testament. This is evident in some of the paragraphs, while less so in others, but what could be inferred from the context is that the Light of God is impartial to all nations of the world, equally strict and equally graceful, and God's door would be open whenever it is knocked at.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XXXII


Melting on the Cross

Christian article Volume III



A Synopsis of the book

Is life a train towards death or one towards life· This book by Mr. Xie Xuanjun describes how the author experienced a transition of his life as if having melt on the cross, and realized henceforth a mythical transcendence above himself in a state on the verge of death. He has acquired a totally new understanding of the Bible and a renewed recognition of trace of God.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun


Looking Up God

Christian article Volume IV



A Synopsis of the book

Mr. Xie Xuanjun, the author of this book, departing from the state resembling verge of death,  and experiencing the profound mystery of Jesus Christ, has been able to take looking up to God as a point of departure for a new way of life and, by doing so, has been able to overcome solitude, to transcend the plight of isolation and helplessness. And to be able to do so is the very demonstration of the ultimate truth revealed by the mystery of Christ. His has realized the transition of life from a train towards death, so to speak, to a train towards life.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XXXIV


An Anthology of Writings by Xie Xuanjun at the Turn of 20th to 21st Centuries

Christian article Volume V



A Synopsis of the book

This book anthologizes 36 articles and 3 appendixes by Xie Xuanjun earlier published in succession during the 20 years from 1988 to 2008. Most of the writings address religious issues and reflect the transformations of the author's religious thinking while traveling from China to Japan to the United States. That period was one in which the world reorganized itself in a dramatic fashion and the era of internet was ushered in. The book is entitled Anthology 2021(Anthology  2021 用斜体)for it covers parts of both centuries

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XXXV


Notes to A Tale of Two CitiesThe City of God)】

Christian article Volume VI



A Synopsis of the book

The City of God by Augustine has its roots in Manichaeism with its concepts of two deities of good and evil and of dualism of black and white, rather than in the Bible.  I refer to Augustine's The City of God as  A Tale of Two Cities, which raises more questions than answered. There are indeed no answers to the questions it attempts to answer, for it is beyond humans to provide answers. Augustine, like all other theologians, tended to find answers to all questions, subconsciously believing he was the reincarnation of God, perhaps.
The title itself -- The City of God-- is, in my view, a blaspheme, for Jesus Christ explicitly says that his country is outside this world. So whenever I mention the book, I refer to it as A Tale of Two Cities The City of God)】, so as not to seem sharing his blaspheme. The book-- with its length of over a thousand pages-- was boasted as "monumental", but in today's world of internet, it is actually quite small a work, and the wisdom contained therein is rather ancient and a bit benighted.
My notes to A Tale of Two CitiesThe City of God)】are to be presented under 64 subtitles.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XXXVI

Christianity and Chinese Nationalism

Christian article Volume VII



A Synopsis of the book

Christianity is, in some way, a religion foreign to all nations. Among the three major religions of the world, Christianity has been looked at with hostility by the Jews, unlike Buddhism that has been treated with tolerance by the Indians, and unlike Islam, too,  that has been followed by the Arab nations. By anthologizing and commenting on the 60 articles with various points of views, the author Xie Xuanjun aims at illustrating the point that nationalism is the biggest obstacle to the spread of Christianity in China, and the removal of nationalism is key to the destiny of Christianity in China and in the whole world. This could be corroborated by the case of spread in China of Buddhism and Communism, which had met with query and resistance themselves. Ironically Buddhism and Communism have turned into a force against the spread of Christianity. Actually, resistance by nationalism if not only seen in China, and the author Xie Xuanjun has discovered that the societies where spread of Christianity is relatively successful are ones that have reasonably done well in handling the relationship between Christianity and nationalism.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun


Historical Ruminations on the Destiny of Buddhism 〔以上用斜体〕

Christian article Volume VIII



A Synopsis of the book

This two-volume book anthologizes 54 articles by Mr. Xie Xuanjun over thirty years. The first volume consists of works before he became a Christian in 1996, and the second volume consists of works after he became a Christian. But the views in the two volumes are quite inter-consistent, indicating that the discussions contained therein do not proceed from sectional positions, but rather from genuine feelings. Buddhism, an important component of the second phase of the Chinese civilization, was spread throughout the East Asia, and started to decline in China with the end of the second phase of the Chinese civilization.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun


Ruminations Over the History of Islam

Christian article Volume IX



A Synopsis of the book

This book anthologizes 42 articles on Islam written by  Mr. Xie Xuanjun since the 911 terrorist attacks in this century. The author points out that Islam spread to China with its permeability,  one spell after another, since the Tang Dynasty during the second phase of the Chinese civilization, and caused incessant unrests in the country since the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. And the Chinese, knowing little about Islam, have been very passive all along, and Islam, nibbled the country step after step, its strongholds encroaching upon the whole of China, causing a succession of conflicts and fermenting new ones. People need to, therefore, know Islam for what it is, ponder over its history and decide for themselves whether it is possible to co-exist with Islam.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XXXIX


The Christian China——
A Unifier of the Nationalist China and the Communist China

Christian article Volume X



A Synopsis of the book

The book anthologizes 100 articles on the Christian China by Mr Xie Xuanjun. It is the opinion of the author that Christianity, after 500 years of preparation, has infiltrated into various aspects of the life of Chinese society such as culture, politics, economy, military, language, ideology, law, and customs, constituting an entirely new phase of the Chinese civilization. Correspondingly, in terms of politics, emerges on the horizon of Chinese history another China--  the Christian China, which is a unifier of the Nationalist China and the Communist China.

Complete Works of  Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XL

Valley of Life——A Record of All Round Quests
Green to the East·A Book of Spring

Part 1 of  Sea of Five ColorsIdeologies in the Third Phase of Chinese Civilization



A Synopsis of the book

Valley of Life——A Record of All-Round Quests (Green to the East——A Book of Spring) is Part 1 of Sea of Five Colors: Ideologies in the Third Phase of Chinese Civilization. The book explores the status of life and agony of senses, and reflects the spiritual world of Xie Xuanjun the author from age 21 to age 26, when he quested and searched.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XLI


Sweet Spring on Desert——A Dissertation on Cultural Proprioception
Red to the South· A Book of Summer

Part 2 of Sea of Five ColorsIdeologies in the Third Phase of Chinese Civilization




Sweet Spring on Desert——A Dissertation on Cultural Proprioception (Red to the South——A Book of Summer) is Part 2 ofSea of Five Colors: Ideologies in the Third Phase of Chinese Civilization. The book explores the noumenon of culture and principle of universe, and reflects Xie Xuanjun the author's theoretical exploration and mode of thinking from age 25 to age 29.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XLII


The  Historic Dome——A Dialogue Between a Soul of Qin and a Ghost of Chu
White to the West·A Book of Autumn

Part 3 of Sea of Five ColorsIdeologies in the Third Phase of Chinese Civilization



A Synopsis of the book

The  Historic Dome——A Dialogue Between a Soul of Qin and a Ghost of Chu (White to the West-- A Book of Autumn) is Part 3 ofSea of Five Colors: Ideologies in the Third Phase of Chinese Civilization. The book touches upon various aspects of history and civilization, and reflects Xie Xuanjun the author's views on broad range of issues and related dialogues at the age of 33.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XLIII

Philosophy of the Null Point——On the Circular Image of the World
Black to the North·A Book of  Winter

Part 4 of Sea of Five ColorsIdeologies in the Third Phase of Chinese Civilization



A Synopsis of the book

Philosophy of the Null Point——On the Circular Image of the World (Black to the North——A Book of  Winter) is Part 4 ofSea of Five Colors: Ideologies in the Third Phase of Chinese Civilization. The book touches upon issues related to philosophy on human life and phenomena of universe, and reflects the views of Xie Xuanjun the author from age 28 to age 35.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XLIV


The Boundary Between Man and Heaven——On the Unreasonable Sense of Mistique
Yellow at the Center·Taiji of the Mind

Part 5 of Sea of Five ColorsIdeologies in the Third Phase of Chinese Civilization



A Synopsis of the book

The Boundary Between Man and Heaven——On the Unreasonable Sense of Mystery (Yellow at the Center——Taiji of the Mind) is Part 5 of Sea of Five Colors: Ideologies in the Third Phase of Chinese Civilization. The book touches upon issues related to cultural phenomena and destiny of universe, and reflects the views of Xie Xuanjun the author from age 32 to age 37.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XLV

The World as a Whole-- Mankind, Its Past and Present

Part One of Theory of  Global Government --  Integration of the World by  the Central Kingdom Civilization


《全球一体》是《全球政府论──中国文明整合世界》的第一部分。内容包括1、历史的鸟瞰,2、文明的形态,3、总结二十世纪,4、种族特质,5、性别问题,6 教族:种姓制度还是礼制?7、蒙古人与罗马人,8、大改组,9、地外文明。

A Synopsis of the book

The World as A Whole-- Mankind, Its Past and Presentis part one of Theory of  Global Government --  Integration of the World by  the Central Kingdom Civilization; Its contents are: 1) Historical Overview; 2) Morphology of Civilizations; 3)Summing Up the 20th Century; 4) Characteristics of Races; 5) Gender Issues; 6) Religious Issues: Cast System vs. System of Rites; 7)The Mongols and the Romans; 8)Great Reorganization; 9) Extraterrestrial Civilization.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XLVI


Disintegration of Western Civilization

Part Two of Theory of  Global Government --  Integration of the World by  the Central Kingdom Civilization



A Synopsis of the book

Disintegration of Western Civilization is part two of Theory of  Global Government --  Integration of the World by  the Central Kingdom Civilization;  Its contents are: 1)  Moral Degeneration ; 2) Dramatic Turns of Events; 3) Trial of Faust; 4) Questioning Humanism; 5) Disfiguration of the Superman; 6) Individualism; 7) Socialism; 8) Warring States in Deep Thoughts; 9) The End of European Colonialism; 10) Religious Voices; 11)  Religious Strategy .

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XLVII


Life and Death of Chinese Civilization

Part Three ofTheory of  Global Government --  Integration of the World by  the Central Kingdom Civilization



A Synopsis of the book
(以下用斜体) Life and Death of Chinese Civization(以上用斜体) is part three of  (以下用斜体) Theory of  Global Government --  Integration of the World by  the Central Kingdom Civilization(以上用斜体); Its contents are: 1) One The Fall of Age; 2) The Philosopher King; 3) The Victor;  4) Son of Heaven; 5) Spirit of Etiquette; 6) The Form of Etiquette; 7) The Golden Mean; 8) The Chronology of Etiquette; 9) The Universality of Chinese Civilization; 10) Instruction of Sages piercing through the dark ages.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun

New Cultural Wars

Part Four of Theory of  Global Government --  Integration of the World by  the Central Kingdom Civilization



A Synopsis of the book

New Cultural Warsis part four of Theory of  Global Government --  Integration of the World by  the Central Kingdom Civilization. Its contents are: 1) Decline of the West; 2) Global Crises; 3) New Cultural Wars; 4) Strategies of New Cultural Wars; 5) Benavolent Government vs. Hegemony; 6) Indirect Rules; 7) The Approaching of a Global Government; 8) Pivot of the Globe; 9)States vs Land Under the Heaven; 10) Destiny of Historicism.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XLIX

Arrival of Historicism

Part Five of Theory of  Global Government --  Integration of the World by  the Central Kingdom Civilization



A Synopsis of the book

The Arrival of Historicism is part five of Theory of  Global Government --  Integration of the World by  the Central Kingdom Civilization. Its contents are:1) Moral Education As Foundation for World Order; 2) The Culture of Historiographer vs. Historicism; 3) Healing Function of Historicism; 4) Testmonies of Confucius, Menciuis and Xun Zi; 5) Philosophers of the Time of Kingdoms; 6) Philosophers of the Imperial Times; 7) Integration of All Schools of Thoughts byThe Book of History (Shangshu ).

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume L


The Birth of My Ideas ( Xie Xuanjun's Diaries, Writings and Reflections During the Cultural Revolution)



A Synopsis of the book

The book anthologizes the author Xie Xuanjun's diaries, writings and reflections during the Cultural Revolution, which shook the entire world. It represents the Cultural Revolution as Mr. Xie experienced it. The value of the book lies in the fact that the book is a sample of psychological process, so to speak,  laying bare the birth and growth of ideas from naught to mature being. It can be likened to a precut social screw, later to become an embryo with a personality of its own.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume LI


 Thoughts that Radiate
 (Monologues on Paper)



A Synopsis of the book

The book Thoughts that Radiate (Monologues on Paper) is a collection of monthly diary- so to speak- kept by the author Mr Xie Xuanjun  from 1971 to 2000, and can be seen as the origin and notes to later works by the author.  The book consists of two parts: part one is entitled "Chronicle of Thoughts" , and  part two is entitled"Chronicle of Travels". The two parts of the book are called "monologues on paper" because they are a private record of  the author's spiritual evolvement in a period of 30 years from the age of 16 to the age of 46 .

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume LII


Thoughts that Diffentiate
Essays and Random Writings During the Middle Period


《思想的切割》搜集了谢选骏写于1971年——1989 年间的短论与散篇,显示其思想的切割过程,其中不乏生涩、稚嫩,但也具有棱角和闪光。分为构思与提纲、短论、散篇三个部分。

A Synopsis of the book

The book Thoughts that Differentiate is a collection of essays and writings written between 1971 and 1989, and reflects differentiations of the author's thoughts, which may be choppy and naive, but nevertheless pointed and sparkling. The book consists of three parts: outlines, essays and random writings.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume LIII


The Decline of the West and the Fate of China



A Synopsis of the book

The book The Decline of the West and the Destiny of China is the reflection, excerpt, and commentary of Spengler's The Decline of the West”】in the thirty years (1980-2012) of Mr. Xie Xuanjun.
As a Chinese, the focus of this book, it naturally placed in the top of the Chinese theme.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume LIV


History is the interactive cube



A Synopsis of the book

History is the interactive cube This book is Mr. Xie Xuanjun over the years on Toynbee A Study of History thinkingand criticism, And an excerpt and commentary on Toynbee'sMankind and Mother Earth: A Narrative History of the World.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume LV


Repression and CounteractionYin and Yang interaction of the universe



A Synopsis of the book

This book is written by Mr. Xie Xuanjun from 1979 to 1983, which states that "repression" and "counteraction" are the basic themes of the universe. The principle comes from the thought of the universe: Yin and Yang interaction. Although the social form of the twenty-first century has greatly improved, but the interaction between Yin and Yang of the universe is still the reason I am, suppression and counteraction mechanism has not changed.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume LVI


I think the First Cycle of Chinese Civilization


A Synopsis of the book
This book is one of the trilogy of Mr. Xie Xuanjun's systematic exposition of his historical ideas:
1——【I am in  the Third Cycle of Chinese Civilization.
2——【I see the Second Cycle of Chinese Civilization.
3——【I think  the First Cycle of Chinese Civilization.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume LVII

Der Antieuropa

本书是谢选骏先生的早期著作:欧罗巴,异教主神宙斯〔也就是魔鬼领袖〕的众多妻妾之一,象征着人性的堕落。本书反《敌基督》〔Der Antichrist〕之意而作之。
《敌西方》〔Der Antieuropa〕这个标题是针对性的——反对五百年来西方社会流行的“敌基督”〔Der Antichrist〕思想。本书阐述西方文明由于“敌基督”势力的作祟而日益沉沦;描述“敌西方”力量正在崛起,改造世界历史的版图。

A Synopsis of the book
This book is Mr. Xie Xuanjun's early writings: Europa, the pagan god Zeus (that is, the devil leader), one of the many wives, a symbol of the degeneration of human nature. This book deals with the meaning of Der Antichrist.
The title of the Der Antieuropa is targeted -- against the idea of the "Der Antichrist" popular in Western societies over the past five centuries.Describe the Western civilization as the "antichrist" forces of the mischievous and increasingly sink; describe "anti-Western" forces are rising, transforming the world history of the territory.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume LVIII


The Return of the golden age -- On the universal rule of rites


A Synopsis of the book
This book is the first book conceived by Mr. Xie Xuanjun and was drafted in 1975. Many of the ideas in the book originated from the reflection of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. This book can not be published in China, to 2004, integrated into the On Global Government──Global Integration Under the Central Kingdom Civilizationglobal government.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume LIX

Xie Xuanjun Also Sprach


A Synopsis of the book
This book is an early selection of Mr. Xie Xuanjun's speech, mainly written in the 1980s. Theories of innovation, alienation, heroism, ideology, perfection, hypocrisy, religion, nation, soul, organization, ultimate goodness and free will are discussed respectively.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume LX


About the World -- God of Gambling, the Son of Heaven, Conflict, Sharing, Network, Thought, Colonization, Global Nation  

The First Rough Draft of History · Volume I


A Synopsis of the book
This book is a collection of essays by Mr. Xie Xuanjun, written and published between 2006 and 2016.
It covers the following topics: the God of Gambling, the Son of Heaven, Conflict, Sharing, Network, Thought, Colonization, Global Nation -- about the World.
Now the collection is published for the first time.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume LXI


About the Philosophy -- Sovereignty, Tragedy, Requiem, coming, Sound, Pseudo-Philosophy, Old Philosophy

The First Rough Draft of History · Volume II


A Synopsis of the book
This book is a collection of essays by Mr. Xie Xuanjun, written and published between 2007 and 2016. It covers the following topics: Sovereignty, Tragedy, Requiem, coming, Sound, Pseudo-Philosophy, Old Philosophy -- about the Philosophy.
Now the collection is published for the first time.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume LXII


About the History -- Special, Discovery, Secrecy, Rise and Fall, Research, Vindication

The First Rough Draft of History · Volume III


A Synopsis of the book
This book is a collection of essays by Mr. Xie Xuanjun, written and published between 2007 and 2016.
It covers the following topics: Special, Discovery, Secrecy, Rise and Fall, Research, Vindication -- about the History.
Now the collection is published for the first time.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun Volume LXIII


About the Society -- Outline, Evolution, Retro, Vicious, Rules, Spirit, Wound

The First Rough Draft of History · Volume IV


A Synopsis of the book
This book is a collection of essays by Mr. Xie Xuanjun, written and published between 2007 and 2016. It covers the following topics: Outline, Evolution, Retro, Vicious, Rules, Spirit, Wound -- about the Society.
Now the collection is published for the first time.

About the Politics -- Vision, Characteristics, Problems, Idols, System, lessons, tension, kingdom

The First Rough Draft of History · Volume V


A Synopsis of the book
This book is a collection of essays by Mr. Xie Xuanjun, written and published between 2007 and 2016. It covers the following topics: Vision, Characteristics, Problems, Idols, System, lessons, tension, kingdom -- about the Politics.
Now the collection is published for the first time.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun Volume LXV

About China -- Ontology, Phenomenon, Split, Periphery, Expansion, Reflection, Outlook, Integration

The First Rough Draft of History · Volume VI


A Synopsis of the book

This book is a collection of essays by Mr. Xie Xuanjun, written and published between 2007 and 2016. It covers the following topics about China: Ontology, Phenomenon, Split, Periphery, Expansion, Reflection, Outlook, Integration.
Now the collection is published for the first time.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume LXVI

About the CCP -- Nature, Current, History, Mess, Exit, Terminal, Tomorrow

The First Rough Draft of History · Volume VII


A Synopsis of the book
This book is a collection of essays by Mr. Xie Xuanjun, written and published between 2007 and 2016.
It covers the following topics about CCP: Nature, Current, History, Mess, Exit, Terminal, Tomorrow.
Now the collection is published for the first time.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun Volume LXVII


The Inspection Tour of the Small States Era

The First Rough Draft of History · Volume VIII


A Synopsis of the book
This book is a collection of essays by Mr. Xie Xuanjun, written and published between 2007 and 2016.
Its theme range from the Inspection Tour of the Small States Era:  Covering Europe and America, Japan, Russia, the Asia-Pacific region. Now the collection is published for the first time.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun Volume LXVIII


The US government has become an illegal organization
Hegemony, Communism, China, Politics, Society, Election -- the United States of America

The First Rough Draft of History · Volume IX



A Synopsis of the book

It is very clear that "Obama’s birth certificate" presented to the public on the former White House website (www.whitehouse.gov) is a fake. If there is no a real "Obama birth certificate", then Obama was an “illegitimate president” who illegally won the Presidential Election twice. If Obama was an illegitimate president, then his government is an illegitimate government. And the legitimacy of the US government has been interrupted since the beginning of 2009; since then, the U.S. government would become an illegal organization unless the post-Obama government thoroughly investigates the issue of “Obama’s birth certificate”.
This book is a collection of essays by Mr. Xuanjun Xie, written and published online between 2007 and 2016.
Its theme range from Hegemony of the United States of America, Communism, China, Politics, Society, Election and Cover Europe and America, Japan, Russia, the Asia-Pacific region.
Now the collection is published for the first time.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun Volume LXIX


About Mao Zedong --The head of China in the Northern Dynasties (Insider, misdeeds, weird, traitor, fallacy, Bully, pernicious influence)

The First Rough Draft of History · Volume X


A Synopsis of the book
This book from the Internet, the "Mao Zedong phenomenon" for a variety of accounts, comments, analysis, the author is different, writing is not complete, reflects the "unknown time" non-original style. Now the collection is published for the first time.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume LXX


A Facsimile Reprint of
Mythologies and National Ethos

Twentieth Century photocopying series one


A Synopsis of the book
This book is a facsimile reprint of Mythologies and National Ethos --  A Comparative Study of the Ten Cultural Zoneswritten by Mr. Xie Xuanjun and published  in China in 1986. The book consists of Mr. Xie's studies on mythologies and national ethos of the Egyptians, the Mesopotamians, the Indians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Jewish, the Northern Europeans and the Japanese, and is also a comparative study, in penetrating and simple terms, between the above-mentioned mythologies and national ethos and those reflected in the Chinese classics. There are over 300,000 Chinese characters to the book. The publication of the book had a direct influence on River Elegy, the TV series of political commentary, the broadcast of which in 1988 encouraged China's pro-democracy unrests in 1989, the most notable of which was the June 4 unrest in Beijing,  the suppression of which led to global protests and speeded up collapse of Communism world-wide.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun Volume LXXI


A Facsimile Reprint of
The Temple of Emptiness - the Source of Chinese Culture

Twentieth Century photocopying series two


A Synopsis of the book
This book is a facsimile reprint ofThe Temple of Emptiness - the Source of Chinese Culture written by Mr. Xie Xuanjun and published  in China in 1987. The book consists of Mr. Xie's studies on the myths embodied in the Chinese classics, as well as its manifestation and influence on the Chinese national spirit.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun Volume LXXII

A Facsimile Reprint of
Sweet Spring on Desert--A Dissertation on Cultural Proprioception

Twentieth Century photocopying series three


A Synopsis of the book
This book is a facsimile reprint of Sweet Spring on Desert——A Dissertation on Cultural Proprioception (Red to the South——A Book of Summer) is Part 2 of Sea of Five Colors: Ideologies in the Third Phase of Chinese Civilization. The book explores the noumenon of culture and principle of universe, and reflects Xie Xuanjun the author's theoretical exploration and mode of thinking from age 25 to age 29.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun Volume LXXIII


A Facsimile Reprint of
A Dialogue Between a Soul of Qin and a Ghost of Chu
--A Criticism of "Dialogue" between Toynbee and Daisaku Ikeda

Twentieth Century photocopying series four


A Synopsis of the book
This book is a facsimile reprint of (以下用斜体)A Dialogue Between a Soul of Qin and a Ghost of Chu(以上用斜体),Content is for "Toynbee and Daisaku Daisaku dialogue" for criticism.
The main part of this book, found in the (以下用斜体)The Historic Dome——A Dialogue Between a Soul of Qin and a Ghost of Chu (White to the West-- A Book of Autumn) (以上用斜体)is Part 3 of (以下用斜体)Sea of Five Colors: Ideologies in the Third Phase of Chinese Civilization(以上用斜体).The book touches upon various aspects of history and civilization, and reflects Xie Xuanjun the author's views on broad range of issues and related dialogues at the age of 33.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun Volume LXXIV

A Facsimile Reprint of
Chinese mythology

Twentieth Century photocopying series five


A Synopsis of the book
This book is a facsimile reprint ofChinese mythology, The content is to China's many different ethnic myths were classified research.Including the myth of creation, the myth of flood, the myth of hero, the stage of myth, the evolution of myth and the characteristics of myth. This is Mr. Xie Xuanjun published in China in 1989.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun Volume LXXV


A Facsimile Reprint of
Anonymous lament of life

Twentieth Century photocopying series six

1989 年六四大屠杀以后,由于作者被禁止出版名单,这里的两本书,
1、〖被囚禁的思想〗(《被囚禁的时代》第一部)一书,是1988 年应“上海人民出版社”邀约而从1980 年以前的私人笔记中整理出来,1989 年春修改完毕,准备1989 年当年出版。但是“六四屠杀事件”以后,上海人民出版社根据上级指示,把作者已经列入黑名单,不得出版新的著作了。由于该出版社毁约单方面取消出版协议,拒不出版本书,只得暂时搁浅出版事宜。到了1993 年,有好事者将此稿送到深圳“海天出版社”,改名《生命──放歌?悲歌?》,用笔名“玄峻”(谐音“选骏”)出版。

A Synopsis of the book
Since the Holocaust on June 4, 1989, since the author was banned from publishing the list, the two books here can only be published anonymously.
1Imprisoned Thoughts(Part One of Imprisoned Era) is a book by Mr. Xie, the contents of which were sorted out of Mr Xie's personal notes before 1980, at the suggestion by the Shanghai People's Publishing House. The revision of the book was completed in the spring of 1989 for the purpose of getting published. The publication was scheduled for the same year. Mr Xie was black-listed, however, by the authorities after the June 4 incident, and the Publishing House was forbidden to publish new books by Mr. Xie. The Publishing House actually tore up the agreement on publication unilaterally, and the publication of the book was shelved. In 1993, some interested people handed over the manuscripts of the book to the Haitian Publishing House, changing the title of the book into Life-- Singing with a Resounding Voice as Well as With a Lament, adopting the pen-name of Xuan Jun for me--homophonic with Mr. Xie's first name.
2Chinese myths and legendsare written in an anonymous way for a series of books. Under the pseudonym "Ye Ming", to commemorate the massacre of the victims of June Fourth, meaning that their name can only be written on the leaves, the wind fluttered.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume LXXVI



A Facsimile Reprint of
Understanding Originality of the Thinking of the Chinese by Association and Corroboration

Twentieth Century photocopying series seven

谢选骏的《联想与印证──中国思想的理解过程》,通过对于神话、《诗经》《洪范》《乐记》《周礼》《老子》《孙子》《庄子》《荀子》《韩非子》等十篇“阅读”和“解释”,展示了一个现代中国人,对于古代中国思想的创造性的理解过程。全书作于1977 年到1988 年之间,1989 年“六四”以后被禁止出版,1994 年曾经匿名“玄峻”得以初版。

A Synopsis of the book
This book of Xie Xuanjun's ── Understanding Originality of the Thinking of the Chinese by Association and Corroboration ── exemplifies how a modern Chinese scholar tries to come to grips with the originality of ancient Chinese thinking by reading and deciphering Chinese mythology and the following ten works Classics of PoetryHong FanYue JiZhou LiLao ZiSun ZiZhuang ZiXun Ziand Han Fei Zi. The book was written between 1977 and 1988, was banned after the June 4th pro-democracy movement in 1989, first printed in 1994 under the pseudonym of Xun Jun 玄峻),and is now published in a facsimile reprint.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun


A Facsimile Reprint of
Bid farewell to history: out of the "Yellow River Complex"

Twentieth Century photocopying series eight

本书是谢选骏先生的文集《向东方》,原名《为历史送行:走出“黄河心理”》,原来计划在1989 年出版。“六四屠杀”事件以后,出版社单方面毁约。1996 年,该文集改名《向东方》,匿名“疏野”出版。其中第二章《走出黄河心理》,是为电视政论片《河殇》写作的第一稿。

A Synopsis of the book
This book is the collection of Mr. Xie Xuanjun "to the East", formerly known as Bid farewell to history: out of the "Yellow River Complex",Originally planned to be published in 1989. after The June Fourth Massacre,the publisher unilaterally breach of contract. In 1996, the book was renamed"To the East", anonymous "Shu Ye"( 疏野) published. "Shu Ye"( 疏野) is Xie Xuanjun Newspaper column under the pen name. This book second chapter"out of the Yellow River Complex", is the first draft for the television political film "River Elegy"(河殇) .

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun


A Facsimile Reprint of
Philosophy of the Null Point

Twentieth Century photocopying series nine

本书是《零点哲学·圆形世界象》(北方黑色──冬天的书)的第一稿。是《五色海:第三期中国文明的意识形态》的第四部,内容涉及“人生哲学和宇宙现象”方面的问题,由此展现了作者谢选骏28 岁至35 岁时对于有关问题的看法和表达。

A Synopsis of the book
This book is the first draft of the Philosophy of the Null Point -- On the Circular Image of the World (Black to the North -- A Book of Winter) is Part 4 of Sea of Five Colors: Ideologies in the Third Phase of Chinese Civilization.The book touches upon issues related to philosophy on human life and phenomena of universe, and reflects the views of Xie Xuanjun the author from age 28 to age 35.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume LXXIX

A Facsimile Reprint of
Seven books about
Tian Zi
(the Son of Heaven)


A Synopsis of the Book
Seven books about Tian Zi(the Son of Heaven) 以上用斜体)formerly known as (以下用斜体)A Memorial to Throne about Tian Zi(the Son of Heaven)or Conqueror of the World(以上用斜体). These seven books include: Tian Zi eternal, Tian Zi and his four seasons, the personality of Tian Zi, the godhead of Tian Zi, Tian Zi worship, the servant of Tian Zi, praying Tian Zi. These seven books is written by Mr. Xie Xuanjun between 1979 and 1991, published in 1994 by Hong Kong Publishing House of Contemporary Literature and Art and circulated by the Litong Books Company, Ltd.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume LXXX


The Birth of the Fourth United States

谢选骏 评述




The Birth of the Fourth United States
This book expounds the birth of the Fourth United States. Every country has a fundamental change every seventy or eighty years. There have been three stages during the past 240 years since the founding of the United States in 1776; and they can be called "three United States". The first United States was Washington’s independence. The second one was Lincoln's reunification. The third was Roosevelt's superpower. Now the fourth United States has been born. All the Ancient mythologies, medieval philosophies, and modern science believe that new things would be born of chaos and whirlpool. Although no one understand so clear what is the mission of the fourth United States that has just been started, the vision to Make America Great Again has caused deep impact. The finishing of 60 Presidencies means the starting of a new greater period. Will the changes caused by the birth of the fourth United States be greater than that by the previous three? After all, this is a era of globalization.
The entire contents of this book are taken from the news review that the author has published on the Internet, including: the fourth United States, historical turning point, President Trump, response of the nations, psychological adjustment, social transformation, immigration competition, the United States & China, fronts of faiths, political skills, the media, the global world, summary of thoughts.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume LXXXI


China Came To Jerusalem - The Return of Human History

谢选骏 编著点评


A Synopsis of the book
The book revolves around "Jerusalem": including the geographical Jerusalem, the cultural Jerusalem, the spiritual Jerusalem ...The book is unique, focusing on the connection between China and Jerusalem, including the geographical connection between China and Jerusalem, the cultural connection between China and Jerusalem, the spiritual connection between China and Jerusalem ...

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun




本书集中了1975 年到1990 年之间写作的《五色海》(Sea of Five Colors)中有关“虚无主义”的论述,改变其顺序,从后到前地展开排列,以展示1980 年代中国大陆的思潮。因为,《五色海》的出版,曾经深刻影响了那个时代中国大陆的思潮,并通过那个影响改变了中国历史的走向。

A Synopsis of the book
This book focuses on the discussion of "nihilism" in the Sea of Five Colors,which was written between 1975 and 1990, changing its order, from behind to before, to showcase the 1980s The trend of thought. Because the publication of the "colored sea" has profoundly influenced the trend of the Chinese mainland in that era, and through that influence changed the direction of Chinese history.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun


Nihilism is the End of all Civilization

谢选骏 编著点评

本书采集了一些有关“虚无主义”的网络文章,与1975 年到1990年之间写作的《五色海》(Sea of Five Colors)中有关“虚无主义”的论述,进行“世纪对话”——揭示当代中国意识形态的发展线索,从而预期,只有新的宗教,可以挽回虚无主义的狂澜。

A Synopsis of the book
This book collects a number of "nihilism" online articles, and the "nihilism" in the "Sea of Five Colors" written between 1975 and 1990, Contemporary ideology of the development of clues, which is expected, only the new religion, can save the nihilism of the tide.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun


A Brief History of Chinese Shaman 's Establishment of State

谢选骏 编著点评


A Synopsis of the book
"Shaman", the word from the Tungusic language "saman" and the North American Indian "shamman", the original meaning contains: wise, proficient,inquiry, and later gradually evolved into the shaman to teach the gods of the people, is the god of shaman of the incarnation.In Chinese history, there is a way to establish a state, that is, through the mysticism of the religion to carry out, this book called "Shaman to establish a state" , to distinguish it from other founding methods, such as the warlords to establish a state , the ethnic minorities to establish a state , The palace coup to establish a state.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume LXXXV


A Brief History of Minority Nationa Control China

谢选骏 编著点评


A Synopsis of the book
Observe the history of China, to control China, mostly for the ethnic minority nomadic society. And all the control of China's ethnic minorities, are led by the military aristocracy. These barbarians, although brutal, there are hierarchical system constraints, with the integration of power. Barbarians pay attention to descent, and contempt for civilization, but until the barbarians began to attach importance to civilization, their military integration forces will be weakened. The aristocratic system of nomadic people is different from the theocracy in the farming area. And the loss of this barbarian force of society, only rely on theocracy and even shaman worship to be integrated.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun


A Brief History of the China Palace Coup To Establish

谢选骏 编著点评



A Synopsis of the book

In China history, although the way of establishing government cannot
do without The Warlord Established the Government'power, but subdivision
down, also can be divided into three different forms: 1, Ancient and modern,
consistent, "ethnic minorities control China, to set up a government". 2, After
Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty, it was popular that "the leaders of Shamanism
Chinese Shaman 's Establishment of Stateestablished the government". 3,
Through the court coup, the establishment of the government. The discussed in
this book is the last one. Through a palace coup to establish a government, the
majority will be held by the ancient legend of the "Shan Rang" ceremony. The
"Shan Rang" system can be said to be "peaceful evolution of Chinese form".

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun


United States / Canada 24 Years Impression

谢选骏 编著点评


本书是作者在美国和加拿大24 年间,旅行60 余处时所记录的阅读、思考、写作。其中主要内容取自互联网络参考资料,作者加以搜集整理校阅,并附有自己的评论。每篇前后还有作者所写的诗歌加以镶嵌,相映成趣,充满韵律,展开了第三期中国文明游走全球的风采。合计40 篇。

A Synopsis of the book
This book is the author travels to the United States and Canada for 24
years, travels more than 60 cities, recorded reading and thinking and writing.
The main content of this book, taken from the Internet reference material,
the author to collect, collate, proofread, and with the author's own comments.
The front and back of each article, and the two poems written by the
author,to be mosaic, side by side, full of rhythm, launched the third phase of
Chinese civilization walk around the world style, a total of 40 articles, plus four
appendix articles and four appendix poems.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun


Europe 22 Years Impression

谢选骏 编著点评

本书是作者在欧洲22 年间,旅行三四十余处时所保存的阅读、思考、写作。其中主要内容取自互联网络参考资料,作者加以搜集整理校阅,并附有自己的评论。每篇文章之后,还有作者仿照古代行文惯例所写的短诗,对欧洲文明进行了总结。合计47 篇。

A Synopsis of the book
This book is the author travels to Europe for 22 years, travels more than 35 cities, recorded reading and thinking and writing.The main content of this book, taken from the Internet reference material, the author to collect, collate,proofread, and with the author's own comments.After each essay, there is also a short poem that summarizes the European Civilizations.A total of 47 articles.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun


Asia 26 Years Impression

谢选骏 编著点评

时移世易。亚洲正在重新成为世界历史的重心。在这样的时局面前,重温26 年(1991 年—2017 年)以来的亚洲印象,是极有意思的。本书包括了圣地、日本、台湾以及其他亚洲城市的游记。这些阅读、思考、写作的主要内容取自互联网络参考资料,作者加以搜集整理校阅,并附有自己的评论。每篇文章之后,作者还用自己所写的短诗,进行了总结。合计45 篇。

A Synopsis of the book
The world is changing, and Asia is regaining the gravity of world history. It is very interesting to review the Asian impression since 26 years (1991—2017) before such a situation. This book includes travel notes of the Holy Land, Japan, Taiwan and other Asian cities. The main content of these reading,thinking, writing is taken from the Internet reference materials, collected by the author for review, with its own comments. After each essay, the author also summarizes the short poems he wrote. A total of 45 essays.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XC


Three Philosophies - the Edge of Personality

谢选骏 编著点评


A Synopsis of the book
One of the manifestations of individuality is its individual challenge tradition. One of its manifestations is that individual philosophy challenges traditional religions. This is actually the sovereignty of the thought is questioning and correcting the national sovereignty - which began hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus Christ. The mystery of this "Axial Age" lies in the popularization of writing, the first recording of the pulse of personality in character, and the opening of a chapter in philosophy. This book selects the Upanishads, Gnostic, and Zhuangzi as examples to analyze the unique philosophy of India, Eurasia (Europe and the Middle East) and China.

Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun
Volume XCI



本书收集了互联网上有关摩门教的一些资料,并且加以编辑和点评。分为概况、教义、法律、文化、社会五章,每章八个小节,外加五个附录,合计45 篇。大体反映了摩门教的全貌。

This book collects some information about Mormonism on the Internet, which the author edits and comments on. Divided into profiles, doctrines, laws, culture, social five chapters, each eight sections, plus five appendices, a total of 45 articles. Generally reflect the whole picture of Mormonism.

February 2018 First Edition
Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun Volume XCII


Deconstruct Shakespeare:Chinese Idioms PK English Drama


Attributed to the English drama in Shakespeare's name, like collections in the British Museum, come from different parts of the world, and are collected by many authors from different sources. Of course, it is inevitable that with a large number of Chinese antiques. Therefore, using Chinese idioms to deconstruct Shakespeare's plays has also become an important task in the field of comparative literature. In this way, we can further study the similarities and differences between Chinese and English images and their origins and evolutions in world literature.
Each Chinese idiom is a dramatic element and even constitutes a storyline through an allusion. Therefore, the use of Chinese idioms to deconstruct Shakespeare's plays shows that his plays are actually made up of many dramatic factors. Each Shakespearean script contains about 40 to 60 allusions of similar Chinese idioms.

March 2018 First Edition
Complete Works of Xie, Xuanjun Volume XCIII








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