


《阻挡纽约华埠监狱施工 李荣恩、吕艾玲等十人被捕》(By George.SmithPosted onApril 13, 2022)报道:

纽约市设计和建筑局(Department of Design and Construction)13日早开始华埠城区新监狱外围施工,华埠社区团体「坚尼路以南邻里联盟」(Neighbors United Below Canal,NUBC)组织民众到场抗议示威,NUBC创始人李卓勋、州众议会第65选区州众议员参选人李荣恩(Grace Lee)、前纽约市长参选人杨安泽夫人吕艾玲等十人被捕。

市府施工人员早在6时30分示威人员到场之前,就已开始用吊车在毗邻曼哈顿拘留中心的巴士打街(Baxter St.)方向吊装混凝土围栏;然而,根据市府此前通知,施工应于7时之后才能开始,示威民众遂要求施工人员出示施工许可,但施工方未能拿出;示威人员声称此举违法,李卓勋等十人便手挽手站成一排,高喊「可耻」、「滚出华埠」等口号阻挡施工,随即被捕。


华埠社区监狱项目的预算近17亿元,市府去年11月30日公布该项目拆除作业的1亿2520万元合同由Gramercy Group Inc.承包;李卓勋表示,任何承包商在华埠都不受欢迎,「我们不要承包商的钱来破坏华埠;我们知道亚当斯感染新冠正在康复,我们希望他看到,我们将一直抗争监狱建案,我们希望和他见面,但是他不见我们;这里住的都是低收入的老人,我们在这里是为了老人的安全,我们不信任来华埠建监狱的任何人,亚当斯是白思豪2.0版。」

市议员马泰(Chris Marte)表示,施工方未在施工合同上的施工时间期间施工,是违法行为,「我们需要施工方出示交通局许可、施工许可,但是他们什么也没拿出来,施工已经违法。」




李卓勋、李荣恩、吕艾玲、NUBC联合创始人Howard Huie、民主党65D选区领袖李佩欣、民主党州参议员第26选区的参选人范胜利(Vittoria Fariello)、「社区保护及改善联盟」发起人李翠珊、社区维权人士Irving Lee、Jack Liang、Jillian McMenamin等十人手挽手跪地而坐,手举标语「市长亚当斯停止唐人街摩天监狱」,一旁的警方则播放警示广播,「你们已经占据道路阻挡交通,如果再不离开就将被捕,并且被控妨碍治安。」

十人随即被警方逮捕,被押上警车送往七分局;一直为监狱抗争活动提供法律援助的律师库奇亚(Edward Cuccia)表示,被捕人士将在警局按指模,并且将受到法庭传票,「所有十人都是为了帮助华埠和小意大利社区自愿被捕,他们是我们的英雄,很快将被释放,估计几周以后上庭。」


《纽约华埠监狱2周后施工 近百人集会要求亚当斯悬崖勒马》(世界新闻网 02/06/2022)报道:


纽约当局日前宣布,将于2月至中下旬开始为曼哈顿华埠城区监狱进行未来施工准备工程,并拆除现址;6日近百名社区居民、组织在即将被拆除的曼哈顿拘留中心前集会,大喊「居民优先、不要新监狱」,要求在选前与社区共同反城区监狱的市长亚当斯(Eric Adams),再次与社区站在一起,阻止监狱工程。

市議員馬泰在反監獄集會上講話 Feb 6, 2022

日前市设计和建筑局(Department of Design and Construction,简称DDC)与市长刑事司法办公室(Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice)等单位召开在线记者会,提供曼哈顿城区监狱的最新时程表更新;会上提到将于2月中下旬在曼哈顿拘留中心,进行临时安全信道工程,架设场地围栏,以及艺术品移除等工作,预计将于5月至明年7月进行拆除,新城区监狱则将在2027年建成。


《锤杀3华人 凶嫌免刑责 纽约华社:最黑暗的一天》(世界新闻网 01/28/2022)报道:

布碌仑(布鲁克林)羊头湾海港城锤杀案27日终于开庭宣布量刑结果,凶嫌马汤诺维奇(Arthur Martunovich)因有精神病被免除刑事责任;法官裁决他对社区有危害,将无限期关押在精神病院,每六个月可接受精神评估,若恢复良好仍有重返社会的机会;该结果令死者亲属、华社大失所望,「这是最黑暗的一天」,死者之一潘子密的太太考虑上诉至联邦法院,要求凶嫌永不得归放社区。

造成三名华人死亡的锤杀案,在去年8月进行关键庭审后,量刑日期一再推延,引起华社不满,来自纽约市各区及外州的华人屡次到国王郡的州高等法院前举行示威活动;凶嫌通过视频开庭,庭审全程不超过五分钟,判决结果和之前检辩双方协议的一样,主审法官陈丹尼(Danny Chun)宣判马汤诺维奇因精神病免于刑罚。

但他因对社区构成威胁,将进入戒备森严的精神病院,每六个月将进行一次精神评估,复原的话或有重返社会的可能;连月来的抗议都没能改变结果,该消息对死者家属及华社都是一记重拳,示威者拿着批评地区检察官蒋莎乐(Eric Gonzalez)懒惰不作为的嘲讽漫画,骂他是案件「帮凶」,未为受害者伸张正义。





《落轨华女高慧民死后一周 曼哈顿再有人被推下地铁》(世界新闻网 01/23/2022)报道:


根据警方消息,23日约早上11时30分,一名61岁受害人在曼哈顿下城富尔顿街(Fulton St.)的A、C线南向月台,遭人推下地铁。

市警发言人表示,所幸当下没有地铁入站,该名受害人得以自行从铁轨爬回月台,仅受到轻伤,随后被送往纽约长老会医院(Presbyterian Hospital)治疗。


该案距离日前于时报广场遭疑有精神疾病嫌犯马秀(Martial Simon)推落地铁,而当场死亡的40岁华女高慧民(Michelle Aylssa Go)案,间隔仅有一周,在该案发生之后,许多民众纷纷表示忧心地铁系统和公共安全。


《曼哈顿遇袭亚裔模特发声 忧更多高慧民被吞噬》(世界新闻网 01/21/2022)报道:


去年11月在曼哈顿中城先锋广场(Herald Square)地铁站被攻击、抢劫的23岁亚裔女子贝乌(Bew Jirajariyawetch),在华女高慧民(Michelle Go)被推下铁轨致死后再次发声,抨击纽约市捷运治安乱象,若再置之不理,「将会有更多高慧民被无辜吞噬」。




Asian model ATTACKED on NYC Subway in Manhattan ‘Lucky to be alive’

Dec 15, 2021

Bew Jirajariyawetch just moved to New York City says ‘she’s lucky to be alive’ after being put in chokehold, punched in face and robbed by 4am Manhattan subway mugger, please subscribe to my channel and ring the bell so you never miss a video!

An aspiring model who recently moved from her native Thailand to pursue her dreams in the Big Apple said she is ‘lucky to be alive’ after a brutal beating in the subway by a deranged mugger last month.

In an exclusive interview with DailyMail.com, Bew Jirajariyawetch, 23, said the horrific 4 am attack after she was coming home from a concert is still a blur when she was grabbed from behind in a chokehold, thrown to the ground, punched in the face and robbed of her purse at the 34th Street Herald Square station on November 22.

In the shocking attack caught on video that captured the out-of-control crime plaguing the city, the mugger – who police have yet to identify – can be seen dragging Jirajariyawetch along the northbound platform servicing the D, F, N and Q lines before throwing her to the ground.

New York City saw a surge in violent assaults on the subway when she was attacked, with a 45 percent increase in the past 28 days as compared to last year. That week, a 141 percent increase was reported for transit crime.

‘There were so many police officers at the subway after the attack but no one was there before. I don’t want anyone else to go through this or be hurt by this person. This can not keep happening.’

A photo taken by the model shortly after the assault shows her face bruised and swollen, with dried blood near her nose and a burst blood vessel in her left eye.

Jirajariyawetch, who moved from Thailand this summer to study at the Global ESL Academy, told DailyMail.com that she was returning to her home in Queens after she went to see Daboyway, a Thai-American rapper, in concert at S.O.B.’s in the West Village when the attack took place.

In the harrowing video, the mugger holds her down as he punches her in the head four times, sexually assaults her and snatches her purse, before briskly walking away.

Jirajariyawetch can be seen sitting up, dazed, and getting to her feet before the surveillance video cuts off.

She said he took all the money she had on her and her personal identification, but left her iPhone.

New York City Crime Stoppers released a short clip of the cold-hearted thief jumping a subway turnstile before the attack, and are offering a reward of $3,500 for information that leads to his arrest.

‘There are so many cameras in the subway station to track but they don’t seem to be working,’ Jirajariyawetch told DailyMail.com.

This week, Jirajariyawetch said she finally built up the courage to return to the subway line where she was attacked as she refuses to give up on a modeling career.

Moving to the New York City was a ‘natural decision’ for her, according to her attorney Eric Parnes.

‘Bew does not want this negative experience to discourage her thoughts on New York,’ Parnes told DailyMail.com.

‘Bew has been unquestionably traumatized. She has been struggling with a lack of appetite and persistent nightmares,’ he said.

‘Living in a foreign country without family is already a difficult situation let alone coping with such an unwarranted act of violence. However, Bew finds strength in speaking out about this and continues to push forward with her aspirations.’

He shared her story to ‘put pressure on the NYPD,’ ‘get more tips leading to an arrest’ and to ‘put more focus on this disturbing trend of violence.’

The day before Jirajariyawetch was robbed, soccer player Akeem Loney, 32, was fatally stabbed in the neck at Penn Station at around 12.15am. Loney, who was homeless, had been lying down or napping on one of the subway seats when was attacked.

Police are also hunting for a man who allegedly threatened to kill a woman on the subway with two wooden spikes after making ‘anti-white statements’ late last month.

The suspect wielded the large shivs at a 46-year-old woman near the 59th Street subway station in Manhattan, cops said.

The man, who has an ankh hieroglyphic symbol on his face, was traveling on the subway at 7.20am on the 4 train on November 29.

贝乌律师帕内斯(Eric Parnes)也将矛头指向了捷运系统,称当局「忽视」了当事人遭受的攻击以及她想阻止类似案件再次发生的警告。





本周开始,高慧民案引发了社会各界的关注,东岸和西岸接连举行悼念活动;纽约市长亚当斯(Eric Adams)因此受到抨击,他此前将人们对地铁攻击的担忧斥为「对恐惧的感知」。



《德勤悼念落轨华女员工 上司赞杰出 乐于帮助后辈和女性》(世界新闻网 01/18/2022)报道:


40岁的华裔女米雪儿‧吴(Michelle Aylssa Go,音译)遭游民推下纽约地铁铁轨丧生,引起社会各界广泛关注,其工作的知名四大会计咨询公司之一德勤(Deloitte)18日致信全体员工,悼念米雪儿‧吴的不幸遭遇,称赞其生前工作杰出、务实、诚信,乐于提携后辈,帮助女性进入金融咨询行业

根据德勤内部文档,米雪儿‧吴四年前加入德勤,担任该公司咨询部门并购、重组和金融组(M&A, Restructuring, and Finance)的高级经理(Senior Manager),因为热衷参与新人培训计划和女性并购领导力项目,而被后辈和女性员工称为「值得信赖的领袖」(A Trusted Leader)。


公司对于米雪儿‧吴的不幸遭遇表示震惊和愤怒,也感谢纽约市社区和全美亚裔群体对米雪儿‧吴的关注。她的上司、并购重组部全美负责人Trevear Thomas表示,米雪儿工作出色,拥有机智的头脑,并且以「真性情」的做事风格而出名,「我们深深地怀念她,她的个人光芒将继续影响着我们所有人。」

并购重组部运行主任Chelsea Gorr表示,米雪儿聪明、务实、有思想,并且充满好奇心,「她是团队的榜样,总是在工作中追求超越,无论是职业还是个人生活都力求完美。



米雪儿在就读洛杉矶加大(UCLA)前,和家人住在加州佛利蒙(Fremont),American High School高中华裔同学马睿、陈嘉兴等,听闻恶耗也纷纷对米雪儿表示悼念。

根据领英(LinkedIn)数据,米雪儿‧吴是毕业于纽约大学史登商学院(Stern School of Business)的企管硕士,还为游民权益发声、担任志工,过去十年服务于非营利组织纽约青少年联盟(New York Junior League),帮助弱势、移民和游民等重建家园。


What we know about Times Square subway shove victim Michelle Go

By Ben Kesslen, Steven Vago and Larry Celona


Michelle Go was the woman who was fatally shoved onto the subway tracks by a homeless man at Time Square on Jan. 15, 2022. LinkedIn

The straphanger randomly pushed to her death by an alleged unhinged vagrant was a senior manager at the top consulting firm Deloitte — and volunteered as an advocate for the homeless.

Michelle Go — an MBA graduate of NYU’s prestigious Stern School of Business — lived on the Upper West Side and worked for Deloitte in strategy and operations and mergers and acquisitions, according to her LinkedIn Page.

But the “wonderful,’’ “kind’’ 40-year-old woman was also known for her volunteerism over the past decade with the New York Junior League, where she helped those struggling to get and stay on their feet, including the homeless.


“Michelle’s focus populations were seniors, recovering homeless, immigrants, and under resourced and academically struggling elementary and middle school kids and their parents,’’ a Junior League rep told The Post in an e-mail Sunday.

Go worked on one committee with “the goal of empowering adults and young adults on the path to independent success,’’ the league said.

“She helped them prepare to enter or re-enter the workforce by developing their professional skills of resume writing, interviewing, and networking, and by making sound decisions in matters of personal finance.”


Go was waiting on the southbound platform at the Times Square subway station Saturday morning when crazed homeless ex-con Simon Martial allegedly shoved her onto the train tracks and into the path of an oncoming R train, police said.

Go worked as a senior manager at Deloitte and also volunteered for many years at the New York Junior League.

The victim was mourned by colleagues and neighbors Sunday as friendly, sweet and smart. 

Tamas Erdos, who graduated from NYU’s Stern School of Business with Go in 2010, said he’s “shocked” by her sudden death.

He said Go was a “key member” of a group project they had worked on together while in school, where she exemplified leadership skills, de-escalating conflicts between group members.

“She was really reliable, dependable and fun. She was a super person to have on the team,” Erdos told The Post on Sunday.


Erdos described her as “a natural leader among a bunch of men… She was one of the guys also but mediated some conflicts.”

“She was so vibrant and full of energy and she was really interested in finance,” he said.

“Michelle interviewed me at Deloitte and gave me a chance to go to the next round. Shortly after I started my job we reconnected — she was so kind and intelligent,” a Deloitte colleague, Steffany Franco, wrote on Facebook. “Life is so unpredictable and fragile, taking the time to reflect and process this tragedy is incredibly hard.”

Police at the scene of the fatal subway shoving in Time Square on Jan. 15, 2022.


One of Go’s neighbors called her “wonderful.

“She was really smart,” the resident added.

Go previously worked at Barclays Capital and Citi. She had a Bachelor’s degree from University of California, Los Angeles.


The Junior League, a nonprofit focused on the well-being on women, children, and families, said in a statement that it was “ greatly saddened to learn of the death of Michelle Go under such senseless and tragic circumstances.

Police arresting suspect Simon Martial, who admitted to shoving Go.


“We call upon the city’s leadership to urgently address the lack of mental-health and other supports for underserved communities,” the organization said.

The victim’s family is currently flying from California to identify her body, law-enforcement sources said.

Go was remembered for her kindness by the doorman at the Upper West Side building where she had lived for the past year and a half.

“She’s was a nice lady,” the doorman who didn’t give his name said. “It’s tragic.”

Another man who works at her building and declined to give his name said he’s now afraid to take the subway.

“I’m always taking the subway, I’m always going there, so I’m scared now. It’s very sad,” he said. “She was always coming and saying, ‘How are you?’ and saying, ‘Hi.’ “

Martial, an ex-con who was convicted of robbery, claimed that he is “God” when he asked about the crime.


On NextDoor, someone said Go was an active member of the local “buy nothing” group, a bartering and gifting online community that encourages recycling. The posting said group members were “devastated” over her death.

Go was Chinese-American, but police say there is no indication that her death was a hate crime and believe she was chosen at random. Suspect Martial, 61, admitted to the killing and claimed he was “God” when reporters questioned him during his perp walk.

Additional reporting by Joe Marino


谢选骏指出:随着黑人市长亚当斯的上任——纽约的 “黑命贵运动”得以升级,成为“黑卫兵专政”了。纽约的“黑卫兵专政”,就像文革的“红卫兵专政”,上有最高领袖护航,下有暴民满街奔走,司法机构装聋作哑,专门镇压和平居民,积极配合红卫兵暴行——亚当斯正为黑卫兵保驾护航。




(一) 《50岁的东魏丞相高欢,迎娶16岁的公主,老妻双手赞成》(2025-02-05 伊河史话)報道: 东魏的权臣高欢,他年轻的时候家境其实并不好,他们家世代居住在北边,临近鲜卑族的地方,所以生活习俗都逐渐鲜卑化。他的父亲是一个游手好闲的人,所以到高欢出生的时候,家里已经是逐渐...